Monday, December 20, 2010

2011 Rumormill

So the word on the street is thus:

2011 releases...

1) New Codices for Grey Knights (early 2011) and possibly Necrons (mid-late 2011).
2) Wave 3 Dark Eldar models. Apparently almost every single unit will have a model in the codex. Seeing how many units they have yet to release models for that will be quite impressive.
3) Wave 2 Blood Angel models. Stormraven Gunship, Furioso Dreadnought, 2-3 new blisters (more than likely a Sanguinary priest, Dante, and Mehpiston).

But the best news!!!!

4) WAVE 2 TYRANIDS!!!! Plastic Tyrannofex/Tervigon kit (similar to the Night Spinner/Fire Prism kit), Plastic Harpy, Bonesword/lashwhip upgrade sprues, Ymgarl Genestealer upgrade sprues, Doom of Malantai model.

So I am excited about the new releases for Nids but I know there has been a lot of backlash against GW for this. Many people are complaining that they should have released these models with the codex launch rather than wait a full year and a half before releasing the new kits. Plus those of us who spent the time/effort to make our own badass conversions for all of these things now feel a bit put out.

That being said I just recently received my new Forgeworld Warrior Wings and will now be able to complete some Tyranid Shrikes!!!! Booyah!


J said...

Put out really? I LIKE the idea of being forced to make my own units based MERELY on the concept behind them. Plus your [Garret's] conversions look fantastic.

It adds a personalized look to the whole thing.

Add to the rumor mill: Necron rumors? (did I already talk about this?) From Bell of Lost Souls:

"New Codex drops mid year.
WBB changes to FNP for "most" units
New HQ options include "One" new C'Tan. Nightbringer and Deceiver to get new models...and at least one will have optional "incarnations"
New Tomb Spider plastic model. option to create alternate model that is Heavy artillery.
New fast cc focus unit. jump infantry. warrior sized.
new models for immortals.
new "tank" - could be the TS based artillery just referenced from different source.
new MC walker - likely the rumored "Necronmancer" - may be HQ or Heavy-conflicting rumors here.
New plastic Lord with all options.
New named Lord metal blister
New Monolith option...not represented in models to be released."

Brewmaster said...

The rumor about Necrons was more of a validation. It sounds like as far as 40k goes it is going to be another good year next year.

I honestly like to convert models and such but at the same time have witnessed a lot of 'abuse' with units that don't have a model. For instance people building their Terivgon's on 60mm bases or making them ridiculously small for a 6 wound model. I believe that all of the Nid units that have 6 wounds need to be on oval bases (Which I have done).

I also feel put out because I like to see what the designers have created in order to build off of a good solid model. Granted I believe my Tyrannofex conversion looks better but I still would like to see a model for it too.