Saturday, September 25, 2010

Giant Necron Centipede Announced


I'll be honest, I really don't care for it. It's a robot bug. Great. Instead of making a unique looking robot monster you made a robot centipede with little guns near its head. It is a pretty model but I feel that with a few adjustments this would have been a better Tyrannid model.

But, thanks, I guess, Forge World for some attention?

On the other hand:


NECRON TOMB STALKER Points: 195 (experimental rules)
4 4 6 7 5 4 4 10 3+

Two Gauss Flayers

Monstrous Creature, Sense Cluster (Night Vision), Brutal Assault (+2 instead of +1 attacks when charging), Fearless, War Construct (Sniper weapons and Poison, etc wound on a 6 instead of their special wound roll), Phase Tunneling (Fleet, Deep Strike, Move Through Cover, Hit and Run)


A close combat monster for Necrons? I'll take 3, thank you very much. I'll tie up a unit then run off next round just in time to charge something else. Throw in some Destroyer fire support and we'll have ourselves a little party.


Brewmaster said...

Looks like a Necon version of the Trygon. Similar stat lines, rules, and roles. To be honest I kinda dig it. It would follow the similar path and design of the Tomb Spiders. I think that a different design would be ok but this one does just fine.

I disagree that this would look better as a Tyranid model..... Tyranids are designed to all have 6 limbs of some sort. More than 6 is against Nid lore/design.

The rules and stats of this beast are pretty nice though. Here are the differences between this and the Trygon.

Trygon: Points 200
WS 4, BS 3, S 6, T 6, W 6, I 4, A 6, LD 8, Sv 3+

Weapons: 2 sets of Scything Talons, Bio Electric Pulse.

Monstrous Creature, Fleet, Deep Strike, Subterranean Assault

Basically the differences are here...

Trygon: Re-rolls are CC misses. Assault 6 Str 5 AP 5 12" gun, 1 more wound, 1 more attack. More expensive.

Tomb Stalker: Acute Senses, Move through Cover, Hit & Run, poison weapons don't work (possible special rule for all Necrons in the future???, if so..... good God..) +1 more attack on charge, cheaper, Fearless, 1 more toughness (str 3 can't hurt it.... Imp Guard, lasguns, Eldar, D. Eldar)

To be honest both units are pretty darn similar but the Stalker is a better buy in my opinion. Here is why...

Toughness 7 is huge! Forcing your opponent to wound you with str 4 or5 require sixes! Your gun has a higher AP and longer range which allows you to move with your fellow 'crons and lay down even more Gauss! Lower profile allows you to possibly hide it easier to grant cover saves. The special rule 'War Construct' really sells this unit though. Tyranids use a lot of poison attacks and such and having that advantage nullifiled would be very annoying!

Overall I think this is a good preview of things to come for the Necrons.

J said...