Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tyranid Tactica - Coming Soon

So I have noticed that there has been A LOT of players pissed off about the Tyranid codex and the changes that it brought to the 40k game. I admit there are flaws that I am surprised made it through play testing, but still I am not one to just throw the bugs down and walk away to another army. Especially with the new Dark Eldar coming out and having played a game against them I thought it would be best to silence those who think that 'Nids are effectively dead as an army both casually and in the tournament scene.

I have decided that due to all the upset players, whining kids, and critical tourney players that they need to have something to read that basically slaps them in the face and says, "you have no idea just how effective this army can be."

Therefore I will develop a Tyranid tactic guide as well as counter's for opposing armies to silence the whining babble of kids that don't have "I win" buttons hidden within their Tyranid battle force boxes.

This guide will be soooo awesome that soon more people might decide to pick up their bugs again!


J said...

I quiver with anticipation!

J said...

Any updates on progress, layout, etc.?

Brewmaster said...

HQ tactica done...

I've been in a massive painting spree as of late. Pics to be posted soon.